Thursday, April 24, 2014

Indeed, while the MOU explicitly formulated,

"A letter from DASEN J.Risso means to withdraw from his position as principal" dtdc tracking (three unions) | Provence Education
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The three unions represented in the consultative bodies of Vaucluse (Snudi-FO SNUipp-FSU and Se-Unsa) issued a statement which most information relates to the content of the letter sent by the Academic Director of Education Services National (DASEN) about the professional future of Jacques Risso, the director of the school Rustrel suspended from his duties in September 2013 for "poor management or no management" a case of harassment among children. Following an agreement reached on January 29 and signed with the unions, is challenged by the President's Cabinet, M.Risso was transferred temporarily to a school of Cavaillon. But the "Memorandum of Understanding negotiated and signed in our presence on January 29 clearly stated maintaining dtdc tracking Jacques RISSO on the school list of suitable direction."
But the letter to M.Risso whose Snudi-FO product copy on his website (see below) scan is explicit. M.Risso, who loses his job as director is placed in front of the obligation to participate in departmental mutations (running until April 23!) "For an assignment on a permanent basis Assistant position!"
According to the letter, the application of M.Risso as director will be considered for the 2015 movement. Representatives of the three unions met yesterday afternoon a representative of the prefect to discuss several issues, including dtdc tracking that of M.Risso. According to them, MDBeck the DASEN should be received by the prefect next Friday
The Academic Director is to send a letter indicating our colleague Jacques RISSO withdrawal of his job and his principal obligation "to participate in the movement in 2014 for an assignment outright dtdc tracking assistant position on a" post ... Director of the School RUSTREL occupied by Jacques RISSO, being carried on the list of vacant positions currently available, in defiance of all the rules! Not only violates the Academic Director once more the Memorandum of Understanding negotiated and signed in our presence on January 29 clearly stated that maintaining dtdc tracking Jacques RISSO on the list of suitable principal ... but it also violates the Article 11 of Decree No. 89-122 of 24 February dtdc tracking 1989 which required it BEFORE any retired director of school, visit the DPAC!
Unions SNUDI-FO SNUipp-FSU and SE-UNSA denounce and reject this new coup of Academic Director who violates its commitments on 29 January, regulations and powers of elected CAPD.
Unions SNUDI-FO SNUipp-FSU and SE-UNSA address their national unions had already intervened with the Minister V. Peillon, to intervene again in emergency with the new minister. The determination of the Academic Director against our colleague Jacques RISSO must immediately dtdc tracking stop! Jacques RISSO has fully complied with its commitments, the Academic Director must meet hers! The Academic Director must also now cease coups diverse dtdc tracking and varied and meet staff and their representatives. Unions SNUDI-FO SNUipp-FSU and SE-UNSA resonate in that the Prefect or his representative tomorrow at a hearing requested on the preparation of school 2014.
Academic Services Director of Education Vaucluse dtdc tracking continues relentlessly against RISSO Jacques, dtdc tracking director of the school Rustrel, again inflicting a penalty which again violates the agreement signed on January 29, but also regulations!
Indeed, while the MOU explicitly formulated, "Mr. Risso retains his full salary and benefits management as well as its inclusion in the list of suitable principal", the Academic Director comes from him mean the withdrawal of his position dtdc tracking of director and obligation to participate in departmental dtdc tracking mutations (running until April 23!) "for an assignment on a permanent basis Assistant dtdc tracking position!"
While Article 11 of Decree No. 89-122 of 24 February 1989 requires the Director Academ

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