Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Putin urged the Ukrainian government, while continuing research on how Malaysians have a plane cras

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A Belgian military jet went to Kyiv Ukrainian e toll qld authorities take over the box. Reuters writes e toll qld that shipping and delivery procedures of crates with experts e toll qld and representatives from the United Nations. It is unclear when the crates to reach Great Britain.
So far, it has been found the remains of 282 passengers, all to be delivered in the Netherlands. Mark Ruteh, Prime Minister of the Netherlands e toll qld announced Wednesday that the shipment arrived as corpses likely to detect victims in a forensic team advanced to begin.
Europe Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Tuesday, July 22, in charge of the Russian aircraft fired missile affirmed. According to diplomats residing in Brussels on Thursday, July 24th in Europe Union sanctions on individuals or companies that Russian decision.
In the meantime, Putin indirectly influence the Ukrainian Insurgent acknowledged. He asked us to meet with members of the National Security Council of Russia, said that Ukraine could use its influence on East Rebels "What we have done, but the results have not raised my hand."
Putin urged the Ukrainian government, while continuing research on how Malaysians have a plane crash in East Ukraine e toll qld to establish a ceasefire. However, Ukraine has decided to increase military pressure on Jdayykhvahan.
In the West, Putin also warned to watch their movements in East Europe and the implicit threat to the sovereignty of Russia. "The grouping of NATO forces in East Europe, Baltic Sea and Black Sea have escalated dramatically obvious."
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