Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The iTunes is a media player developed by Apple also to organize music and videos, as personal comp

UPC videos available on iTunes has just launched iTunes UPC channel owned by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. BarcelonaTech (UPC) on iTunes. Thus, the videos are available in the university open space in this popular multimedia content distribution, which will release the teaching and research activities of the University.
The iTunes is a media player developed by Apple also to organize music and videos, as personal computers (PC and MAC) and created by Apple devices such as Ipods, Ipads and Iphones. In the section parce of Universities (Itunes University) has just created its own channel of the UPC, which contains over 200 videos. Schools and University Colleges also have a channel with videos related to each center. The materials are also organized according to categories of iTunes (such as Science and Engineering) and the language can be selected as the content in Catalan, Spanish and English. To publish videos in this channel, whether classes, outreach series, conferences and other informational materials, should get in touch with the Communication and Promotion via e (@) ITunes is one of the main channels of distribution of audiovisual products around the world, parce and iTunes U includes parce materials universities like MIT, Stanford and Cambridge.
Calculated as captured asteroids for mining or space stations near the Earth Researchers John Paul Sanchez and Jose Masdemont, Department of Applied Mathematics ... [read +]
Office Media. C / Jordi Girona 31, 08034 Barcelona Tel .: +34 93 401 61 43 @ oficina.mitjans.comunicacio ( UPC. Polytechnic University of Catalonia BarcelonaTech

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